Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wet July in Lanesborough, Part I

We had 12 inches of rain in July, three times the normal rainfall.

Motorcycle rally at Stephentown, NY. It was an all day event starting with a ride at 9:00am am, lunch at noon, then a lot of motorcycle events. The "Slow Race", where the last one across the finish line wins.

One of the bikes had a V-8 motor in it. A "Boss Hog".

One of the bikes had quite a few lights on the rear. When he left I noticed that none of them worked when he puts on the brake and maybe don't work at night either.

This bike looks familiar. Nobody bought it.

They have a burn out contest to see who can put up the most smoke. One guy ran it until his tire blew out. I don't know who buys the new tire.

Then the hot dog bite, where they have a hot dog hanging on a string and when the rider comes up the passenger has to stand and try to get a bite out of the hot dog. The hot dog is dipped in ketchup first, so usually the passenger just gets a face full of ketchup. The 2 gals were the winners of the hot dog contest.

I went to the Fair in Adams,MA. and there has been so much rain in this area that there was mud and water everywhere.

I saw my first oxen pull there. They are well trained, and can pull quite a bit of weight.

The Border Collies did a good job of herding the geese.

The Bag Pipers did a good job of entertaining everybody.

I sat in the bleachers watching the Destruction Derby, but had to use the umbrella as it rained all during the event. There were only a few of us that had umbrellas, but I guess the people back here are used to watching these event in the rain, because it didn't seem to bother them. It would have made a huge wet "T" shirt contest as there were a lot of women there with no umbrellas.

We finally had 2 days with no rain, so we mowed half of the hay field and got it dried, baled and in the barn before it rained again that night.

This is my great niece and her family with my duck, "Muckluck Annie"

This is my "Biker Babe, Taylor Grace

Stay tuned for more of my Wet July in Lanesborough.


joey said...

This is wonderful, but get your fanny back here for Quack...

Barbara and Ron said...

A collie herding geese - now that's different.

carol g said...

Thank you again for sharing things I miss back there.

Border collies are great. I love mine... she herds people... LOL